When Haruki Murakami, in '1Q84' writes:
“You can have tons of talent, but it won't necessarily keep you fed. If you have sharp instincts, you'll never go hungry.”
He makes us float in a bath of possibilities, gently massaging all the cells of our body with hope & delicacy. He doesn’t explain, but he points the way, exactly how intuition lights up the path. All of us have experienced this flow of life, this space at the intersection of freedom & power. Through meditation, games, sport or spiritual practices, we know what it feels like to be connected to our intuition and receive precious insights.
First, let's observe what happens when we are NOT connected to our intuition.
It may look like the stressed version of ourselves. For very good internal or external factors, we are experiencing a misalignment between our spirit, mind & body. We may be listening to our inner-critic sabotaging our plans and asking us to conform with the external world around us. We may be running around without a break, without creating any space for ourselves to rest & recharge & allow new thoughts to come. Whatever we are doing or telling ourselves is preventing us from being in the present moment and acting in the most appropriate and valuable way for us.
For example, if we have a hard time:
Making a decision
Finding meaning in our daily life
Creating the person we want to be day after day
Honoring our heart more than our mind
...we are resisting our flow and missing out on the opportunity to dance with our own life. We are telling ourselves that we have good reasons or good excuses for this situation to be hard, to be unclear, to be uncomfortable. We align with the frequency of victimhood, disengaging with our empowering responsibility. We let our beliefs systems, and self-judgements take over our decisions. So, are we truly helping ourselves?
Now, let's observe what happens when we ARE connected to our intuition.
We are floating in clear waters. We are enthusiastic. We feel free & we feel strong. We are aware of the situation & our own limits. We are not scared by what's to come, we are excited by our visions and the opportunities. As hard as life can be, it is simply less hard when we are connected to our intuitive self because we experience trust in self and faith in the unknown of life. As Naval Ravikant likes to say, it leaves us with only 3 big choices for any situations: “Accept - Change or Leave.”
When a situation is uncomfortable, we may decide to create new conditions to change the outcome. We may decide to leave the situation when it’s too hard to change or too uncomfortable to accept. And when we don’t want to leave or change the situation, we may simply accept it, and stop wasting energy by judging what we are having a hard time accepting. Choosing consciously is only difficult when we are not connected to our intuition. But when we are fully engaged with our inner-power, making a decision becomes purely liberating.
In the list below, pick the attributes that are instant drivers of your intuition.
I would like to connect to my intuition to:
Feel safe at all times
Love the unknown
Practice faith
Trust that I am never alone
Remember that I was born to implement new visions, to create a new Earth, to generate improvements as a little soldier in the vast universe
Remember that I can access clarity when necessary
Experience fully the feeling of bliss on Earth and the beauty of human life experience.